For those of you who get confused let me tell you that the Bose & the Basu-s in this world are the same. It is something like Banerjee/Bandhopadhyay, Roy/Ray, Pal/Paul & so on. This hotchpotch in the surname surprisingly is found only among the Bengalis. I have a possible explanation: This Quandary is created by the British, and in fact a direct fall out of the "Phirangs"- setting up their offices in Calcutta. The higher ranked officers (the British) twisted the names of the middle level Babus (the Bengali workers) to suit their tongues. This fact is corroborated by the fact that the quandary is found only among the upper caste Bengalis: The social class that found a sit below the "Phirangis".
No this blog of mine is not on etymology, nor it is on the history of British Rule in Bengal. Rather I am writing this blog as a reply to those peers of mine who want me to prove the intellectual, & emotional supremacy of the Bose & Basu-s. You see I am a Bose/Basu myself & no doubt would only look at the brighter side of things. I have been asked to provide names of the Bose & the Basus who have made it big in the world/India arena. I started and the bag is immediately full:
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (You Know him)
Rashbehari Bose (You Know him)
Jagadish Chandra Bose (You Know him)
Satyendranath Bose (You Know him)
Amar Bose (of the Bose Sound Systems Fame)
Mihir Bose (BBC head)
Khudiram Bose (Martyr)
It is something like you name it and I have it. Well my critics do not stop here. Next they would tell me I am a Basu & not Bose. Humm!!! I get "gagahoo". I need to prove that even Basus are great. (I mean Bose & Basus are same but those who have adopted the Basu in their certificates are no less mortals). But hey my search engine got severely loaded in finding the right Basu to my choice. I could remember only two immediate names. Jyoti Basu & Bipasha Basu. And I HATE both of them from the core of my heart. I was pressurized to the point that I change my name from Basu to Bose. Well however today morning I did some googling, a little research and I could sense even Basu-s have made it big. I leave it to you to do the googling:
Kaushik Basu (Cornell educated economist)
Debabrata Basu (Of the famed Basu-s Theorem)
Siddhartha Basu (Kaun Banega Crorepati)
Kunal Basu (Writer)
I have a bigger list. But I stop over here. So there you go critics, "you have it on your face", while on one side you have "Boson Particles" on the other hand you have "Basu's Theorem". Take that!!!!.
PS: Well I am not debating I am just proving a point. No Vindication. So I am ending with one negative point. Bose/Basu-s belong to the kin called Kulins in Hindu Caste System. It was said that a father who gets his daughter married to a Kulin guy would go to heaven after death. A fodder that helped the Bose/Basu's to marry in tens. Alas I am born in a different world ;).
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
2 days ago