Thursday, November 02, 2006

Time to Bell

Another November has finally arrived. It has been quite a wait since the last version of November 18th. The wait becomes doubly hard when you are bogged with frustration. It's time to shake off all, that has gripped me for the last one year. It's time to make amends.
Compared to last year, the arrival this year has ben more phonic. I could hear the purrs and the mews for the last one month, which has subsequently increased and I am waiting for the crescendo. Butterflies are flapping their wings inside the captain organ of my digestive system. And I only hope that I am able to keep myself cool till the 'd/c' day.

I have always ben much perplexed by the irony of the two sayings: "Morning shows the day" & "All is well that ends well". Although the former makes me more more euphoric , with performances like Pune City Ranks 1, 4 and 5 to back that, it does not seem all that healthy as the day progresses. And I am more than convinced that the latter is much more realistic , especially for an exam like the CAT. November 19th is certainly going to be the day, and I know it is a do or die situation for me. This time the Cat has to be under my control ;-).

Previously I had thought of writing about a few more things in this blog, but seriously this 'C' factor is all over me, and I can't think of anything else. even I don't want to loose focus. So all the gals of Pune can wait, my bike which by the way is the most happening thing in my life right now can wait.
So here are a few last words for all the people taking CAT ( you take CAT and not give CAT...this is the first piece of advice)

Keep yourself cool
Have faith in yourself
Rectify your mistakes
And know your limitations, which might mean attempting less (if needed) and correcting more

The advice is certainly directed to a particular guy who always forgets these rules/advices

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Am I one?? This is the question that has been lingering in my mind for the first few days. Is it wrong to be a narcist. How does one find out a person to be narcist, Isn't it a fact that some amount narcissism comes into the picture while judging another person as narcist. This finally led me to conclude that every single person in this world is a narcissist.
I am a narcist. The simple proof of it can be obtained through my blogs. I am obsessed about writing on myself. Putting my views on this world in my perspective. I like writing on myself and my views and love reading the same again and again and deriving pleasure out of it, isn't that an act of narcissism. So the recent episode of narcissism continues :

It has been some time since I wrote my last blog; the reason being loss of password. Meanwhile things have changed quite fast. Three months into "Fluent" and thus a three month old "CORPORATE".
Life has been stressful though. Since my job has been specified. Thanx to the same person who recruited me, I am into a challenging project. And the crux of the matter is that I am the only person responsible in developing it. It does make me happy, and take some pride in the fact that such an important project should have been given to someone more experienced, who knows the nooks and corners of the architecture quite well. For a tyro like me its proving heavy. I have written the main code but the supplementary solver part is what is troubling me, and with high level meetings taking place quite frequently things have started to bother me. I hope I am able to come out of this condition with flying colours as I have always done. Its a strange feeling that I am experiencing for the first time. Being into a situation where you get to sit on a meeting with the best heads on the bussiness and at the same time feel you are still a kid in comparison to them and finding hard keeping pace.

It has been one month I have my apache with me. It has a cool all black look, though I am yet to take it to main city roads. "The Girls out there must be getting restless" ....;-).....

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Finally I am a working MAN !!!!! And Finally I am writing a blog. Its hard to co-relate the two, but I found it worth trying for. A lot of things have started to change -(like it or not)- which I intended to put in my style "getting FLUENT".Hence thought of dedicating the first blog to the same.

The very first difference that I find starts with my own body clock. During those " late night" days followed by "missed class" mornings of KGP, it always seemed to me I have already become a green card holder. Nothing seemed to get my body clock back to the indian format, not even the "no-tension" vacations back home. 11 o'clock seemed evening and late night?? not before 3 in the morning. Enough reasons to believe I had turned an American - already -.

GETTING FLUENT---- getting Indian ..its hard to keep the eyes open after 10 , and have to get up at 7 even if the nicest of babe dreams are still lingering in the background.- No- that does not mean everything has become Indian, the afternoon nap has disappeared from the routine -I am missing those days-.

Finally I am a corporate. Or am I?? Had an extensive 4 days training on managing corporate life. Till now I have not been able to figure out what was that for. No mark of being a corporate or whatever on my personality as yet. The usual KGP lingo still goes well in this corporate environment of Fluent. And finally being lucky enough to find a creature from the other planets near my cubicle, the same "tapori" attitude continues. I am not saying only about myself. Its the same for all the wanting to be devdas around me. hard luck there is only one beautiful creature and the number of suitors are far too many.

So the Single status remains. Though I never had much hope of that getting changed in the near future, hope is what keeps us smiling. Moreover the curse of the female less shells which have been haunting me since class 6, hasn't been exorcised. This place is again a desert and the oasis is the aforementioned girl who by the way is an intern and is soon going to fly way-don't know when though-.

Anyway I am trying to get myself moulded into a possible lover boy in all possible ways. Notwithstanding my ever thinning hair, which by the way is befriending me with an all time record rate. I will talk about all my grievances regarding this sometime later. About all the brighter things that are happening -or to put in better words- I am trying to make happen are as follows:

1) Getting hold of an Apache. I liked the masculine look of the bike, and finally decided for it against the likes of Pulsar or Unicorn.

2) Building Muscles. that's the most important one. And getting results straight away. i have fixed the period 6:30 to 8 for this purpose. No matter what comes up I am not ready to divert my attention towards anything else during the period. the company gym has become my sole property nowadays. hardly anyone else is interested in pumping those irons. The result is the biceps and the triceps are coming up. :D

So I am getting Fluent at last. The actual work (the development work) has not started as yet.

So here goes my first blog. There is a lot more to write about, will come up with those shortly, may be some serious stuff would then come up.