Saturday, March 10, 2007


It has been a long time since I made my last post. In between the urge to write something was felt twice, but somehow both of them resulted in drafts. It would be hard to say whether I am going to complete this one. Giving it the best shot. However I have decided to a real long post. So much so that it gets utterly boring.

It is history now. Tasted success at last. Though I must say I have been luckier this time.

Apni ASHA (Puns are intentional....Warning: Might not be suitable for all ages or tastes)

This is the episode which would be part of my dreams for a long time to come. I should get into the details over here.
19th December was the date when we started the GOA trip. It was organised by our company. This was my second trip to this majestic place, however my first visit was at an age when it would have been precocious on my part to appreciate the real beauty of this part of our country. Great expectations were associated with this trip. Expectations to be lucky enough to find the babe of our dreams, etc, etc. And the expectations got fuelled when we reached the resort. It was inter continental Grand Resort, which had a private beach and thus many "VIEWS" to get ourselves charged. Digital Cameras got handy, though I was always a bit against disturbing these sleeping beauties. -- Let them enjoy the sun , and they will let us enjoy the beauty of creation. --- The result was within no time "curtains" were drawn.

It was during this time I got to see Shannon Elizabeth shooting for her next film. It was a sort of underwater kiss scene, and the hotel pool was supposedly the deep sea. We enjoyed the shooting specially the expressions of Shannon after taking each shot. :-D.

It was finally the last afternoon of our stay. And all our hopes of meeting someone special were just fading away. People were busy going for site seeing, while myself with a few more "frustu" public decided to spend the evening on the beach. The reason was far too simple. There are enough places in this country where you can enjoy the beauty of mother earth. And we did not want to waste this precious time of ours.-- Perhaps mother earth understood our prayers. ---
"ASHA"...That is what we had, and that is what we returned with. It is on this afternoon that I ( I don't want to share) met that girl of our dreams. She was beautiful to say the least. And fortunately she was resting on the "wooden rest bed" just beside me. I initiated a conversation. She was nice to talk to. She was an Australian with some indian connection. And her name "ASHA"...Though there were three other Kabab me Haddi-s during this conversation, they were more of listeners, and were initially more interested in going back to hotel rooms or to the pool. Before imaginations start running away. Let me tell you this girl was on her honeymoon. It was the simple fact of meeting such a beautiful girl ( I do not want to mention over here that she was in a two piece bikini ) and talking to her gave me a satisfaction of a lifetime. One thing I have understood is Beautiful Indian Girls somehow has got an air about themselves, Non Indians don't have that and that is what I liked about this girl more. Our conversations ended when one of our senior employees asked me to join for a game of volleyball. I wanted her to join. Though initially she agreed, but may be the sight of large number of hungry eyes turned her off. This caused our separation.
It was just longing after that. Thought of a hell lot of ways of meeting her again. I should mention over here that Hemant was always by my side during this longing time. Though he had his own interests as well. ;-). The only though that she was on her honeymoon turned me off.
Hey the story does not end over here. It was a temporary period of fame for me when the next day we were on the lounge for checking out, when the Goddess quietly came up and was standing just behind me. Every eyes were on me, and it took me some time in understanding the situation. I turned back and found her smiling. --Oh my God she has recognised me!!!!--. We talked for some time, Sorry she talked for some time ..And the suddenness of the situation got be dumbfound. Once she wished the final goodbye, the only thing that I remembered her telling me was that she was heading for the beach. Since we still had some time, I straightaway headed for the beach, could not find her. Could not find her though. I was later told that she was actually sitting on the lounge at that time.

After returning to Pune, I only had loads of memory. Not a single photo, not a single way to contact her again. She was BEAUTIFUL. Soon the image of her beauty will completely fade away from my mind. But the memories of this meeting never would. The next few days I searched her in Orkut -- in vain. One thing that came to my mind later on was We never spotted the honeymoon couple together, I mean we never saw her husband. Was she telling the truth??? How does it matter anyway...

1 comment:

nitinmohta said...

Kyun be, lover boy.. are you hoping by that blog that ASHA will be able to read it and come back to you ;)