Friday, January 02, 2009

Wishing & Hoping for a better year ahead

Let me be optimistic (I know that sounds utterly pessimistic) that the new year would be prosperous and would have much better things to offer than 2008. With the usual New Year wishes the query that one gets at this stage is how the New Year celebrations was. Thought of blogging it down. In fact I am trying to blog down all my New Year celebrations as far as I can remember. My friends who have been part of these "years" let me see whether you remember those days. Incidentally I get so much response about my blogs from different people but none is a little patient enough to pen them down. Anyway I am a little lost in which way to start. I mean going up the memory lane or down. Which way would keep you interested enough to keep reading the whole post. (Marketing Strategy!!!!). Let me start with the oldest ones.

1994: Class VI. Was into the first year of my hostel life. But was not in hostel because of Christmas vacation. In fact my transition into the new year was inside the sleeper class of Puri-Howrah train. Yes I was returning from a trip to Puri with my family. I so very well remember the emotions cooking inside me at that time. The vacation was about to get over and the thought of getting back to the hostels was killing me.

1995 - 1998: These were the next four years of my school-hostel. The Christmas vacation was done away with after class VI and my new years were celebrated in School. Ironically there would not be any emotional doldrums, in fact I would enjoy the days to the fullest. We used to have our school annual sports week culminating with the annual day in this period. This used to be a helluva of an affair and would take me more than just three lines to talk about it.

However in between these four years two of the years were special and anti climatic to each other.

1997: Phew!!! I had just been suspended from the school for slapping someone. According to the guys parents it was an attempt to murder. Thankfully my parents gave me a lot of moral support, and did not have much damage done apart from the suspension for ten days. The period of suspension got over exactly on 01/01/1997 :)

1998: Ahem!!! A few months back I had met a creature from some other planet. So you know New years are meant to sent messages of well being to such creatures. ;). And emails having not been the standard in those times, this poor fellow had to wait for the postman. 31st December night it came. (Quite a coincidence) But it fell into the hands of my friends and a period of "you know what" started. And finally when I got the letter in my hands our hostel superintendent calls me up for making commotion inside the mess and writes a long letter of about 10 points to the headmaster complaining. One of the points was that I was creating a group among the boys to go against him. I was quite a politician you see ;). A new year to remember.

1999-2000: Yes I was muggooo...I had nothing to think about during this time apart from books & IIT JEE. And frankly I don't have vivid memories of what I did.
2001 was spent in frustration having done miserably in IIT JEE mains again my memory chip is blank.
Is anyone thinking about what happened to that creature? The loser I am, books became my paramount importance and the creature was left to get to get lost into oblivion. I know I am not doing any good by saying this :D.

2002-03: The happiest two new years that I spent and not meant for blogs :). Sorry Mates.

2004-06: The days of IIT had started long back. The last three years were different from first two. These wold be the period when I would just be back from Inter IIT sports meet. And relaxing the new years at home.

2007: New year in Pune!!!! Celebrated like a true working man. :) Got the hint??

2008: New Year at IIM Calcutta and the most shitty one I have ever had. We went to aquatica in the night and it was an awful experience.

2009: Perhaps the best New Year celebration till now. I played my keyboard for the most of the night along with the other members of the band. I was inebriated and it felt awesome playing music around the bonfire. Once the show ended we had a nice walk around the campus, and the finally the night ended with the usual cursing of our luck, the economic recession & the job scenario. Harbinger of things to come

Hey I am again getting pessimistic, let’s be optimistic for the New Year. Oh Common!!!!!!


Natrajan said...

very frank thoughts penned down... keep going...

Soumyajyoti said...

Thanxes are there

Anonymous said...

@ soumya
"2002-03: The happiest two new years that I spent and not meant for blogs :). Sorry Mates"

Hmmmmmmmmmm ;)

Soumyajyoti said...

That is what you call an efficient marketing strategy .. you know ;)