Thursday, October 08, 2009

Distance & Teleporting

Have you ever felt that many of the problems that we face everyday, is a product of the physical distance of where we want to go and where we are. The fact that few days back I was so nostalgic and the consequent emotional atyachar was just because of my physical distance from India. Just think of the innumerable number of problems that could be solved if physical distance could be brought closer to the virtual world. Just a small example: When I first arrived KL there wasn't any direct flight between kolkata and kuala lumpur. And that very fact bugged me a lot. If I am to go home, two days are lost just on traveling (in fact waiting in one of the stupid transits). And then suddenly Air Asia announces its new direct flight between KL & KOL, and wow (forget for the time being that it is a low cost carrier which is even better) my distance from home suddenly reduced so much. Information Technology: The mobiles, the Internet actually brings the physical distance closer to the virtual distance.(In Newtonian physics virtual distance is 0). In my school days when letters were my only way of communication with home, I used to wait weeks for a letter from home or some near one. Home seemed so far away even being only 300 kms away from home.
The world takes time before going virtual. In the days of letters or even prior to that when information was sent through a guy on a horseback. Information used to be physical. It took 2000 or so years until information completely became virtual ie physical distance between the receiver and sender became unimportant. We can actually say physical distance for information became virtual ie 0.
Similarly when the subject of carry is not information but the person himself, it occured to me can the same thing be achieved. There would be certain steps. First of all air travel speed would increase. Just a simple breakthrough that if each of the flights become supersonic at affordable cost. Distance reduces by half. Then if flights become hypersonic I can actually go home after office, again, given the fact it is affordable. Perhaps days are not far when such travels would be possible. Six generations down the line I am pretty sure a person like me would have breakfast at Kolkata go to office at London, and come back home for dinner in a hypersonic BMW. Even then things are nowhere near virtual.
So what might be a possible solution, human beings would need to be sent like information. Visualize this: year 4009. You want to travel to London. You take your mobile, type in a number. The mobile converts you into a digital signal encoded and send you to London, where you are decoded back to your self. Sounds simple. This is what I call teleporting. Satyajit Ray showed this in his movie. Life would be so simple, at least the emotional problems of a human would be so much solved. But will this be actually possible?
The day human beings achieve this, man would no longer be mortal. The simple fact that a human being can be converted digitally means, any disease can be treated just by the flip of a few binary digits. For a better explanation: Every human being would have a digital coding. Now when a disease occurs it means on the digital side some of the codes have encountered errors. So it is just a matter of time to digitize the man, identify those codes and flip them. I understand this cannot be the case, for every man has to die. However the closer we can get to this the better our life would be.


Natrajan said...

Brilliant article, very interesting article presented lucidly.

This is one of my favorite topics, teleportation, I'm hoping it's possible by my lifetime.

Soumyajyoti said...

@ Nattu thank you for the compliment. I only wish it is possible.
I am actually thinking of if this mass energy conversion is possible what all changes I would like to bring a change on personal front. What do you think??

Bohemian said...

Teleportation itself in the modern concept was a brilliant concept you touched upon, but the last part of your entry, human being into a digital code,and treating diseases by altering binary digits was revolutionary. But then viruses, would freak us out soo much more, imagine. And instead of Apollo or Fortis, i would approach Symantec or Mcafee to treat my ailments. Then I am sure I would not rely on cracked versions and patches of their anti-virus softwares but buy the original license. :D

Soumyajyoti said...

Ha Ha...well picked Gunjan...Interesting point to delve upon. May be I will write a blog on my thoughts on the same. :)