Saturday, October 17, 2009

A day with parasites

Yesterday in the afternoon of diwali we decided to go for our second trekking expedition into the Templar park water fall. After the fun we had in our first at the Kuntching forest and water fall (very near to the second) we had expected another great day of expedition. There were practically three differences in this trip.
1) There were not many people around: We did not care, the risk takers we are.
2) This place was less rocky/hilly, more damp, swampy and at places there was practically no pathway: We felt more excited, making our way underneath fallen trees, through the slippery stream and bushes
3) I had forgotten to wear sports shoes and was on my Woodlands: I don't know why the company named its shoes woodlands. While how much good these shoes are, they are not meant for trekking. In fact the soles of the shoes are so slippery that it gets difficult walking on a wet floor. Leave aside the swampy or the slippery rocks on the stream.
As always my enthusiasm with these activities took me to the front of the group. However a failed tarzan like stance when I tried to do some rope climbing on a hanging bamboo tree got me surprised, as those were dead trees and it could not take my weight and the result I fell heavily down and those trees fell heavily on me. That hurt and that hurt my new Reebok Tee more :(. Then after innumerable number of falls on the ground due to my heavy slippery shoes got my enthusiasm somewhat down. At this point we reached some short of a dead end on the stream as there was no "road" beyond that and we had to get into the stream completely to cross the point and make our way ahead through the bushes and swamp. I was a little down at that point and thought of going back to the point where there were at least a few people around. But you know enthusiasm is contagious as one of my friend was already into water. It soon got to me and I found myself crossing the stream.
After that we were climbing steep, the region was swampy. I could sense irritation in my body, but we still proceeded some 800 meters or so. Soon we reached a point which was completely a dead end. From there on the bushes give way to huge trees, and swamp. There was no place to move on. We could sense it might rain soon. Hence we decided to go back. It was at this moment I saw the first parasite, a leech, climbing up my jeans. Frankly I did not know it was a leech. I grabbed it and threw it into the water. In the return journey we decided to follow the stream, in fact wade through it. Forgetting the stream might take a course inhuman enough. We got into the water, but I could sense the irritation in my legs had increased. I removed my shoes and found innumerable number of leeches struck into my legs, filled with blood. I got freaked. I got mad. I started pulling them out. It was real difficult. And the moment I would pull one out it would get struck in my fingers. It was like "Ewwwwww". But hey... I could see there were more leeches around, more than I could imagine. My fellow adventurous souls got freaked out as well. There were leeches on them. There were hundreds of leeches rushing on to us in a twirling motion, fast. And the species was clever as well. They did not attack us directly. They were getting into our shoes, knowing we cannot go barefoot. It was futile trying to get rid of the ones struck into our body standing at the point as before we could remove one there would be 10 more getting in. We decided to "run" and leave that place as fast as we could. But by this time, we had lost the trail we had followed while we came. The emotions beyond this point is hard to replicate through blog. Every moment we tried to stop, to find our way, I could see those creepy creatures on the swamp. But yes we finally could find our way out for otherwise I wold not have been writing this blog. The experience was horrifying and I can't imagine getting so freaked out by such small creatures. How much I despise these parasites and other parasites living in this world?
I would like to end the blog with three comments (on request) which after those freaky hours while removing the ones struck into the body I made:
1) Can there be an intelligent leech who would secretly be resting inside my shoe, go home and drink blood out of our body every day. We actually found one such leech inside my shoe after the whole episode. Can there be one more??
2) Next time I visit that place I would carry a bagful of salt, and going to carpet bomb these parasites out of this world.
3) One leech is still un-accounted for and I fear it is somewhere inside my home.

I am so so freaked out!!!!


Anuj lakhotia said...

good work man..I am happy these good memories get recorded..add a few pics..please

to provide a little more completeness to the trip memories..

1. Leeches do not know how to swim and you can fill your boots to drown them.

2. You might be affected with HIV if one of these species were from Africa, lolz :)

I disagree with the risk taking part.. hum sabki phatati hain !!

sushant said...

tch tch....u didn't even have a lighter ?? matchstick ??

Soumyajyoti said...

sushant....What is the use of the lighter/matchstick? DO I set them on fire?? :P
Lakcho..Even today I can sense one or two leeches inside my shoes..The swimming theory it seems is not correct :P.

Bohemian said...

hahaha. Leeches v/s Humans. Going thru your narration i could almost visualize the swamp, and the swirling motion through which all the leeches were making their way towards you humans, and one on the shore snuggling into your shoes quietly to wait for a better moment. Write a screenplay. Would make an engrossing Hollywood flick. Ya, if Sharks, Bats, Birds, Dogs, and all those animals can be the theme why not one on monstrous leeches :D

Soumyajyoti said...

Brilliant idea Gunjan...That would be my path to stardom. I would not forget you though :P

sushant said...

nahin saale. heat is common remedy to remove leeches. wiki par pad lena kabhi...

Natrajan said...

dude u sound like those dumb college going chicks in those hollywood movies

I'm so freaked out !!

Soumyajyoti said...

@ Sushant I did not know that, but I would have burnt myself as well right??
@ Nattu .. lol..true..but my manly spirit, strength, whatever!!! shrank to its record low during that period :P