Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Intellectually Superior??

I was wondering!!! Within my short career I have interacted with a number of peers, friends of various countries. But time and again I am intrigued by the thought how much superior we Indians are with respect to our intellectual capabilities. We are much more competitive than any other people in the world.(Perhaps Americans are the only ones who can come close & I have never interacted with Japanese people). Nor even the Chinese. In spite of this, how could the British control India for such a long time. Why India is still developing and not developed? These are some of the questions I have tried discussing with my friends and the answer is not very hard to find. Perhaps we Indians lack in mental strength, the same competitive spirit is what kills us. I will delve more on this topic in the coming days.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

And I am back :((

I told you: The good times would just daze off !!! I wonder if the velocity of time is actually constant. Anyway the trip has given me enough material to blog on for the next couple of weeks. Right from the point I set my foot on the Calcutta airport to the time I set my foot off I had been trying to understand what is wrong with my country, specifically my state. But amidst all the wrongs, what is it, which is pulling me back to India. What is it, which is telling me constantly: "Foreign Land" this is not where I belong. I will write in details.
In the meantime let me tell you life for me is changing "FAST". (I am so intrigued by the velocity of time). The details of the latter would be revealed in due course of time as well. I hope in the coming months my life settle in exactly the way I want it to be. I know that is too much to ask. But I have this habit of going against the norm, and follow my heart. Remember when I ditched IIM-A for IIM-C, my mental set up is somewhat similar at the moment. And I also have this habit of driving life my way. I will do that. I have certain dreams to follow.
The tone of the blog is absolutely what it would be after coming back from home. And why not because home is where the heart is.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Home Calling

And I am going home..!! After four months I am catching the next flight to Kolkata from Kuala Lumpur. I know the next ten days are going to fly away.
For the last few days I am contemplating why the hell I am going around places looking for job. Why can't I settle down in Kolkata itself. The place where I have the maximum number of well wishers. I know some of you are laughing. Even I would have done so a few years, or a few months back. But this thing about settling in Kolkata is into my head now.
I feel jealous of people whose home town is Mumbai, Bangalore or Hyderabad who have so much of option to choose from. If only the stupid government of West Bengal, or the opposition would have a different piece of mentality. I somehow feel that the effect of inactivity, doing nothing at work has corroded the minds of Bengalis in such a way that nothing can happen in that state any more. People simply do not have the vision, motivation of getting the state forward. And the conclusion is: my dream of settling down in Kolkata with a good job is perhaps never going to come true. I am sure there would be a few thousand who would echo the same feeling with me.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

And I am 50 blogs old

50 blogs in three years!!! Well yes my stream of blogs is three years old...Which puts an average of 16.66 blogs per year, just more than one blog per month. Dismal!! Considering I love writing so much. I should write more often.
Looking back I wanted to rate the blogs that I enjoyed writing the most. Tough job, but following would my top five:

1) Feel Good Factor: The internal Variables
2)Food for thought: A question from Economics
3)Distance & Teleporting
4) Gambler in Casino & Stock Market
5) Archive: The Beginning

I felt thrilled when I was making the choice as I thought there are a couple of others blogs which I have left out. I liked my last blog Three Wishes, & A day with parasites. One more thing, as I am writing more, my thought chain is improving. Perhaps some day I would collect all my blogs together (leaving aside the cheesy ones) and get going publishing in the hard copy format. If only I could get some more feedback from my readers. It is hard to know without the comments. I hope my 100th blog comes up before 2011.
Frankly I want to be a writer some day. And tell you what, I want to write in the same way I write my blogs:
1) Erroneous Grammar
2) Using words not present in english dictionary
3) Deconstructing sentences to fit my style.
4) Putting in lots of mathematics. (I am going to increase them in the blogs)
5) I would try a little bit of personification of inanimate things. Know what..you can write on controversial topics using this style.
Frankly I can do all this if my brain remains fresh, and this stupid world and my experiences keep feeding me with ideas that tweaks that grey thing

Monday, December 07, 2009

Three Wishes

Imagine this: "God or someone with supreme power suddenly appears in front of you happy to grant you three wishes. However the three wishes have to be realistic, nothing abstract. What I mean is, you can ask for lots and lots of money but you cannot ask for Happiness. But wait there is one more constraint!!! Mr God is in real hurry and you just have a few seconds to make the wishes. So what would be your three wishes???"
Have you already thought of the wishes??? I have often given this "case study" to my friends and now I present the same to you all my dear readers. I know the case study is old, something you have heard of, in those innumerable folk tales, and the mythological stories. But what intrigues me to think is the fact that individuals has so much to demand, so much greed, so much wants in their life what exactly would the lucky fellow ask. I have put the constraint of asking for realistic things, and less time to think, just to make things more intriguing. Perhaps Maslow's hierarchy of needs would be perfectly reflected in the wishes the person makes. Let me not get into the prediction game of what the demands would be across socio-economic classes. Rather let me write in my wants. Of course the constraint of time does not apply to me, for I have spent so much time thinking on this matter and anticipating someday somebody powerful would be granting me such wishes.
Remember Goopi Bagha, the eternal Upendrakishore characters, immortalized by Satyajit Ray (Well the "long" description is for the non bengali readers who would like to know more on them)?? Somehow I see myself making almost similar wishes as they made (to the king of ghosts: for further referral). Let me list:
1) Perennial supply of good food and clothes
2) Ability to move from place to place in a flash (Teleporting)
3) Great musical skill: To mesmerize people with their singing and instrumental abilities.
Let me tell you these characters in the story/movie are poor. So the writer: Upendrakishore certainly did follow Maslow's principal in a different sense. Look at the order the first want is basic need, then comes desire and last comes creativity. It is perfect. He never read about Maslow. This shows that Indians don't need American bookish principles to understand humans, the principles are already embedded in the thinking of the Indian people. Well for me I would make the last two wishes. And the third wish would be to wipe out all kinds of viruses from the society. I got a little figurative over here. Well I would ask him to remove all bad elements from the society. And if I am allowed to be a little abstract I would ask him to remove all those chemical imbalances, hormones from the human body that make people selfish, hypocrite, & greedy. (Perhaps that would help God from not making any more of these three wishes, for people would not have any thing to ask).
So my dear friends delve deep on your three wishes, who knows if someday the situation happens to you, you must have your wishes ready, for the time constraint would be there and you only have three wishes to pave your way to bliss. :)