Sunday, December 27, 2009

And I am back :((

I told you: The good times would just daze off !!! I wonder if the velocity of time is actually constant. Anyway the trip has given me enough material to blog on for the next couple of weeks. Right from the point I set my foot on the Calcutta airport to the time I set my foot off I had been trying to understand what is wrong with my country, specifically my state. But amidst all the wrongs, what is it, which is pulling me back to India. What is it, which is telling me constantly: "Foreign Land" this is not where I belong. I will write in details.
In the meantime let me tell you life for me is changing "FAST". (I am so intrigued by the velocity of time). The details of the latter would be revealed in due course of time as well. I hope in the coming months my life settle in exactly the way I want it to be. I know that is too much to ask. But I have this habit of going against the norm, and follow my heart. Remember when I ditched IIM-A for IIM-C, my mental set up is somewhat similar at the moment. And I also have this habit of driving life my way. I will do that. I have certain dreams to follow.
The tone of the blog is absolutely what it would be after coming back from home. And why not because home is where the heart is.

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