Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cost Reduction Strategies I

Perhaps I have missed the bus. Few months back when every damn company was going through cost reduction/cutting my post would have been more apt. Actually this post would be apt anytime because my cost reduction strategy is not about firing people, reducing travel cost, etc. The strategies are more macro level, reducing the bigger redundancy in technology. May be a little futuristic.
Let us take travel: Air Travel. What is the point of carrying something which is not adding to payload. Yes I am talking about the power plant. The power plant in an aircraft weighs around 30% of the entire structure of the aircraft. And thus when the airplane is flying, you are burning more fuel to carry something which does not really want to travel or to go to that destination. You might thinking....Hey What the heck!!! Are you mad?? How is the aircraft going to fly without those power plants. Exactly that is my point in this blog of cost reduction strategies.
Can some innovation be made so that the power plant remains at the airport. The airport keeps getting energy from the power plant while in flight and reaches the destination without carrying the power plant. This is the modern concept of wireless power transfer. Think about the massive infrastructure set up cost, the wires, the transmission lines, the distribution centers that need to be set up in order transmit electricity from the generating stations to the end users. You need to step up the voltage through transformers, and know not what else, suffer massive maintenance costs. Why do you need all this?? Cannot energy be transferred without wires & cables. Can we not have a source & a receiver something like two mobile phones, where one mobile phone is the generator and the other is the aircraft or the end user would be using the power. Thus electricity would be transmitting on its own through the air and reach the receiver.
In fact  such technology is upcoming & more on the development stage. MIT professors have developed a technology by which you can charge your mobile phones without connecting to the power source. You keep them on the table and they get automatically charged from the power sources in your home. Wireless Power Transfer. But certainly the amount of power required in charging a mobile phone is much less than what is required to run an aircraft. Moreover the distance by which this charging is to be done is way smaller in the mobile phone case, because the distance between the power source and the mobile is within your home. But in the case of an aircraft would be thousands of kilometers. Hence it would take some time before this technology is applied to air travel.
However there is prospect that an electricity driven car would directly drive in to a power station. Just park their for a minute and get charged without connecting to any wire. There is substantial cost/energy to be saved if this technology really develops.

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