Friday, September 25, 2009

The Ruckus on IIT

At last I could not stop myself from venting out my frustration against the Indian System albeit through my blog. I have always felt that the politicians have some sort of ego against the likes of IIT and IIM. Perhaps this comes from the fact that not a single politician can claim him/herself worthy to be branded in those league. Inferiority always brings in ego. This is the reason time and again the bunch whether it is Murli Manohar Joshi, Arjun Singh, and Sibal (forgot the first name of the last one..and I don't have any enthu to find that out at this moment) have tried to dictate terms over them. And today when I saw this statement of the HRD minister that "IIT's don't make nobel laureates" I could not stop myself laughing hysterically at the ignorance of those people.
I sincerely have always felt that IIT professors are paid less. In fact I have spent hours discussing the same with my grand father in the past. I might sound racist: but I have never been able to fathom why should an IIT prof be paid at a level at par with some random college? It takes a lot of altruism on the part of any professor in the IIT system to dedicate himself to this service. It is a fact that any counterpart of him who might have been his friend during his student days would be earning at least 10 times in the corporate world. Perhaps this is the reason why the quality of professors in the IIT system is degrading everyday. I don't know whether any professor of IIT-s would ever be reading my blog, but with all due respects I personally have seen this degradation. Some of the best profs with whom I was fortunate to interact with during my first four years of IIT retired during that period and the substitute lot was never a match.
Can anyone show Mr Sibal the statistics of the number of IIT alums teaching in the US universities some of them in MIT as well. Mr Sibal would you accept that they do produce nobel laureates. Why do you think they are not coming back to their country?
While I understand that the previous thick heads Mr Joshi & Idiot Singh had their vested interests on the vote bank for whatever decision they took, I fail to find any more logical reason for the current fight, apart from ego of Mr Sibal.

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